 The gospel of Jesus Christ is expressed best in community life where people become vulnerable to God’s grace and each other.

 True community includes compassion for and solidarity with the poor, marginalized, and oppressed.

 True community upholds the worth of persons while providing a healthy alternative to self-centeredness, isolation, and conformity.

 Sacred community provides nurture and growth opportunities for all people, especially those who cannot fully care for themselves.

 We value our connections and share a strong sense of trust in and belonging with one another—even if we never have met.

 Some disciples are called and ordained to particular priesthood responsibilities and ministries for the sake of the community, the congregation, and the world.

 We are called to create communities of Christ’s peace in our families and congregations and across villages, tribes, nations, and throughout creation.

Episode 1: The Restoration from 20,000 Feet

Host Katie Langston is joined by John Hamer, Seth Bryant, and Brian Whitney to explore how the Restoration fits into the historical context of the Christian tradition, what the landscape of the movement looks like today (there are over 80 branches that find their origin in Joseph Smith’s work), and some of the most compelling concepts the Restoration offers for a postmodern, post-Christian world.

Episode 56: Community of Christ Sings with Joey Williams

Join Carla as she interviews Joey Williams, Mission Center President of The British Isles, Western Europe, and Eurasia Mission Centers, as he discusses his time on the hymnal team as well as his time traveling the world recording audio for the Community of Christ Sings audio USB.

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