Pursue Peace on Earth

Community of Christ in Europe formed in March 2017 a Eurasia field team on Peace and Justice. It is currently headed by Elray Henriksen as chair. Other members are: Andrew Bolton, Sandee Gamet, Joey Williams and Ryan Comins.

European Peace Colloquy

The field team has worked on several issues and has been the prime motor behind the launch of the European Peace Colloquy. The first one was held in March 2018 at Dunfield House, a peace and justice retreat centre, in Kington, Herefordshire, United Kingdom. The peace colloquy brought members of our movement to hear peace academics, practitioners and activists for a weekend of discussion, learning and personal development.

1319 World Conference Resolution on Nonviolence

The European Peace and Justice team worked on the Nonviolence Resolution that was put forward to the World Conference in 2019 respectively by the British Isles Mission Centre and the Western Europe Mission Centres. A substitute resolution was passed at the World Conference calling for: “Community of Christ members and leaders discuss the role nonviolence plays in the pursuit of peace on and for the earth and in the life and mission of the church”; the production and suggestion of scriptural, theological and historical discussion resources on the principles of nonviolence; and finally, a position of Community of Christ on nonviolence was referred to the First Presidency for a report and/or statement to be presented to the 2022 World Conference.

We are poised to restore Christ’s covenant of peace, even the Zion of our hopes. The hope of Zion will become reality when we live Christ’s peace and generously share his peace with others.

Episode 49: Temples in Community of Christ Heritage with Bethany Lloyd

Join Brittany as she talks to Bethany Lloyd about temples in Community of Christ. Bethany lived in the Sidney Rigdon home in Kirtland and also lived in Independence while the temple there was being built. Brittany and Bethany share personal insights and stories about what temples mean to them.

Episode 204: Community of Christ as a Peace Church with Robin Linkhart

Community of Christ has long claimed to be a peace church. From our earliest days in the restoration to today, we have worked to put action with that claim. Listen in as Robin Linkhart walks us through many of the ways we have worked for peace and where we have room to deepen our understanding and activism. 

Resources mentioned: 

Lachlan Mackay’s Peace Gene episode: http://www.projectzionpodcast.org/episode-22-lachlan-mackay-a-peace-gene-isolated/

In Pursuit of Peace: Community of Christ’s Journey https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/083091658X?pf_rd_p=2edffb5d-036e-4cd0-bc77-99980e2d4856&pf_rd_r=V19TGQGM7Z1WQF132VA9

“A Peace Gene Isolated: Joseph Smith III” by Lachlan Mackay  https://www.jstor.org/stable/26317089?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

World Church Teams:





World Conference Resolutions: 

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